
The 护理团队 is available for consultation with campus community members regarding students whose behaviors are of concern because they may pose a threat to themselves or others.


很难知道何时需要CARE报告. 一些一般准则包括:

• If you observe behavior in a student that is unusual or abnormal compared to their typical baseline
• If you’re concerned about the health and wellbeing of a student, yourself, or others
• If the student’s behavior disrupts others’ ability to live and learn at CCC
• If your own efforts to assist the student haven’t resolved the issue
• If you have previously reported the student to CARE but haven’t seen improvement, 有没有发现新的令人担忧的行为, 或者这种行为再次发生


哥伦布/ Ord





  • Address concerns regarding the safety and well-being of students by drawing upon professional expertise within the campus community.
  • Facilitate consistent communication among all CCC staff, faculty, and offices.


  • 确定被推荐学生的情感需求, psychological or physical support and refer to appropriate resources.
  • Assess and determine the safety of and/or the risk of harm to the campus community.


  • Identify resources available both on campus and in the community and foster positive collaborative relationships with them.
  • 向学生推广校园资源.


  • Provide professional development and training opportunities for faculty/ staff to ensure effective response to students in distress (ex: suicide prevention).
  • 促进和提倡学生的整体心理健康.

在CCC, CARE团队(会诊, 评估, 资源, and 教育) works with the college community to help find solutions for students confronting stressful situations or who are exhibiting distressing or potentially dangerous behavior.


这个列表包括一些有关行为的具体例子. 这份清单并不全面. If you notice concerning behavior in a student that doesn’t fit this list, 仍然需要提交一份CARE报告.

• Hints or statements of feeling upset in written pieces or presentations
•过分坚持别人的时间 & 注意
•频繁 & 严重滥用酒精或其他药物

The 护理团队’s priority is to lend support to students of concern. A CARE report is not a conduct report; however, if CCC policy violations or infractions of the law may have occurred, 关怀团队会将学生转介至行为办公室.

A -个人简介 


B ——行为


C ——背景

日期 & time, location of incident, what class did it take place in, anything essential about the setting

D ——细节

witnesses, frequency of incidents, anything relevant and objective about the student of concern

E - - - - - -的影响


F -跟进/回应

有人干预过吗?, 学生对干预的反应如何, 这件事向警方报告了吗, 你有没有试着跟进那个学生

1. 客观 & 描述行为.

Instead of “she was creepy,” try: “Her behavior made me uncomfortable. During our 10-minute conversation, she paced back and forth repeatedly.”

2. 要具体,避免笼统或模糊的描述.

“He yelled for 30 seconds about topics I couldn’t follow and then called me a ‘b****rd’” is more helpful than “he was rude.”

3. 只分享学生所分享的或你所知道的事实。

“他们是在阿富汗服役的退伍军人学生. During our conversation, they disclosed that they have been diagnosed with PTSD. When I mentioned Counseling Services, they expressed interest in meeting one of our counselors.”

4. 写得好像学生可以看到你的报告一样.

CARE报告可能受到法律信息要求的约束, 例如那些受家庭教育权利管辖的学校 & Privacy Act, the Freedom of Information Act, Public Records Act, and subpoenas. 学生 have a right to review their record and may request to do so. If you’re unsure how to communicate information you feel is pertinent, please consult with a CARE team member rather than avoid submitting a report entirely.


1. Once a CARE report is submitted, it’s forwarded to the campus associate dean of students. The dean of students and director of counseling services receive a copy of each report. Reports involving online students are sent to every associate dean and assigned based on the student’s home address and case history.

2. The associate dean creates a case from the report, and the case is assigned to a CARE team member.

3. 案例经理将联系以下人员:

  • 介绍人/提交者 
  • 关心的学生

4. Depending on the details of the case, the case manager may also contact:

  • 目击者
  • 学生的教师和/或顾问
  • 居住生活

5. The 护理团队 will assess the situation and any potential risks of harm to the student or others. Detailed information in the initial CARE report helps the 护理团队 complete its risk assessment, 哪些将指导我们的干预策略.

6. 如果学生对外展有反应, the case manager will connect them with all appropriate campus and community resources.

7. 如果出现以下情况,CARE团队将结案:

  • Support has been provided and the student’s situation has improved or stabilized
  • 三次联系后,学生都没有回应
  • 学生回应,但拒绝援外援助小组的协助
匿名 & 保密

The CARE team takes reasonable precautions to maintain the privacy of the person submitting a CARE referral, 如果请求. 有时, 这份报告的性质可能意味着我们无法确保隐私, 在这种情况下,推荐人将被通知. 取决于报告的性质, it’s also possible the student of concern may be able to speculate the identity of the referrer, 即使是匿名提交. 个人有时会匿名提交报告. If you choose to submit an anonymous report, please keep the following in mind:
•学生们通常很乐意知道是谁举报了他们, because it demonstrates that someone in their life cares about their wellbeing, 有一个名字可以使整个过程个性化.
• Informing a student that you’re submitting a CARE referral can help with our outreach.