Pregnant and Parenting 学生


CCC believes in student success and individual attention. We recognize that our students are individuals with individual needs, 我们相信提供全面的学生支持服务,促进学生的成功. We want students to be aware of their rights and responsibilities under 第九条. 1972年的教育修正案第九条是一项联邦法律,禁止在教育项目中基于性别的歧视. 法律是确保所有人都有平等受教育机会的关键工具, regardless of their sex or gender. 第九条 makes it illegal to discriminate because of sex, which includes discrimination on the basis of pregnancy, 分娩, 假怀孕, 流产, 堕胎 or related conditions, 包括恢复.

所有怀孕问题和与怀孕有关的缺勤都由残疾服务办公室协调. You may not anticipate any academic needs associated with your pregnancy; however, your needs may change as your pregnancy progresses. Accommodations may be approved to support ongoing and/or changing needs. 例子可能包括, but not be limited to special seating arrangements, 休息时间, 灵活的出勤率, 提前进入和/或延长作业或考试日期和时间,并在分娩后进行医疗相关的恢复. 在怀孕早期披露你的状况将有助于使计划过程更积极主动.

要披露您的怀孕情况,以确保适当的住宿和支持,请参阅以下流程. 也欢迎您使用本页末尾的联系信息与您所在校园的残疾服务主任联系.


CCC offers supports to students who are becoming parents through 分娩, 采用 and/or foster care placement. 鼓励学生使用以下在线门户网站申请分娩住宿, 采用 and foster care placement. Accommodations may be approved to support ongoing and/or changing needs. 例子可能包括, but are not limited to 休息时间, 灵活的出勤率, and early access to and/or extension of assignment or exam dates. 学生 may also call our office directly in the case of emergency placements.


对于想要申请第九条与怀孕有关的住宿的学生, 假怀孕, 流产, 堕胎, 分娩, 采用, or foster care placement please visit our Disability Services Point and Click Portal.

Requesting and Receiving Services

  1. Student starts the process by applying through our 门户网站.
  2. 学生上传适当的文件从治疗医疗提供者和他们的到期日, 任何限制, and any other pertinent information. For 采用 or foster care placement, letters from the placement agency, 监督组织, 等. would be helpful to upload.
  3. 学生安排一个可以亲自完成的残疾服务的入学面试, WebEx或电话.
  4. 残疾服务与学生一起评估所需的第九条住宿.
  5. 残障服务与教师沟通批准的住宿,并协助实施和有关扩展的问题, approved time out of classes and returning to classes.



第九条 is federal law that:

  • 禁止歧视,确保所有人都有平等的受教育机会, regardless of their sex or gender.
  • Makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of pregnancy, 分娩, 假怀孕, 堕胎 or related conditions, 包括恢复.
  • 确保因医疗原因请假的权利,以及不因与怀孕有关的情况而受到骚扰或恐吓的权利, including 分娩 and recovery.
  • Applies in and out of the classroom, including school-sponsored extracurricular activities, 实习, 体育运动, financial aid and scholarships, and lab and clinical work.
  • 要求学校为怀孕学生提供与未怀孕学生同等的服务和住宿. 根据《最热门的网赌网址大全》,怀孕的学生也有资格获得与怀孕有关的残疾服务.



由于与怀孕有关的医疗状况,只要你的医生认为医学上有必要,你就可以请假. You will be given the opportunity to make up missed work.


你被允许以你离校前的身份继续学习. You will not be penalized for your absence, and you will be allowed to make up any missed credit, including participation credit, 小测验, 论文, 或者考试.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is my absence excused if my doctor’s appointment conflicts with a scheduled class?

是的, if the appointment is related to your pregnancy. You are responsible for informing your 教练 prior to your appointment. 我们鼓励你把你的预约安排在不与你的课程表冲突的时间, 只要有可能. 如果你打算提供医生证明,它应该只提交给残疾服务.

Do I need to drop my class if my doctor puts me on bedrest?

不一定, 因为您需要与残疾服务主任进行讨论,以确定针对您的独特情况和课程负担的选择.

Does the college have private rooms where I can take care of lactation needs?

是的. Lactation rooms are available on each campus and center. 请参阅下面的哺乳信息或残疾服务办公室了解您的最热门的网赌网址大全.

How will my 教练 be notified of my accommodations or adjustments?


Who do I notify if I am absent because of delivery and recovery?

Notify the Disability Services Director and your 教练s.

Is a student allowed to bring a child to class?

Unless appropriate to course content, 孩子不应被带入教室/实验室或在校园其他地方无人看管.

If you need assistance in finding resources related to pregnancy or parenting, please contact your campus 护理团队 支持.

Lactation Support Information


The terms “breastfeeding students,护生,和“哺乳期学生”可以互换使用,旨在包括任何为孩子提供营养而挤奶的学生.

Designated Lactation Spaces

中央社区学院将为母乳喂养的学生提供私人房间. Restrooms may not be classified as designated lactation spaces. 私人房间/空间应被遮蔽,不受公众的干扰.

Designated Private Room/Space on Campus

  1. Columbus – Room 505 (Resource Center) 
  2. Grand Island – Room 202 (Main Campus)
  3. Hastings – Room E328 (Dawson Building)

在空间有限的建筑物中,为哺乳而指定的空间被指定为双重用途的房间.g., lactation and general College business), the first priority for use of the room/space shall be for the breastfeeding mother.  See the Learning Center Manager to identify available room/space.

Private Room/Space at Centers (semi-private)

  1. 科尔尼,111号房
  2. 列克星敦-双重用途,见学习中心经理(Amy Hill: 308-338-4080/ahill@cccneb).edu)
  3. Holdrege -双重用途,见学习中心经理(Diana Watson: 308-338-4070/dwatson@cccneb).edu)
  4. Ord -双重用途,请参阅学习中心经理(Crystal Ramm: 308-728-3299/crystalramm@cccneb).edu)

学生 can utilize designated lactation spaces as needed, as these rooms do not require a key or reservation.



  • 学生将在课间或课外时间做出合理的努力.
  • 学生 who need to use the lactation room during a portion of their class period, 是否应向残疾服务办公室登记以设立哺乳设施.
  • 教师和学生应共同努力,找出弥补课堂作业或参与学分的解决方案, as well as instruction missed.

中央社区学院社区的任何成员都可以向任何主管报告违反此程序的情况, 教练, 或第九条协调员. 主管和教师有责任及时将此类报告转发给第九条协调员.

Vice President of Student Success and Enrollment Management  
第九条 Coordinator and ADA/504 Coordinator  


Disability Services Office Information


CoLynn Paprocki, director

Grand Island, Kearney and Lexington



Michelle Lubken, director 
Dawson Building, 学生服务 